Water Driven Turbine Fan

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IMPA Code: 591436/591437

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1.Designed for high performance ventilation of gas from large enclosed areas of other tank openings.

2.Works effectively providing penetration deep into the tank for complete ventilation.

3.Made of a non-spark construction with a line impeller and integral water motor that are coated against corrosion .

4.Inlet/outlet water hoses are sold separately.


CODE 591436 591437 591440 591441
Model KWF-300 KEF-400 C-12AWC C-15AWC
Outlet Bore

Dia. mm

300mm 400mm 318mm 387mm


70-220 100-290 83-142 123-210
Water Pressure

kgf/ cm²

1-7 Max 10.5
Water Consumption


20-43 24-58 19.8 27.3
Hose Dia 50A 1-1/2”
Weight kgs 24 28 18 24
Name of Mfr Exeno-Yamamizu Coppus Engineering
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